Recommended Footwear in Altoona WI

Chiropractic Altoona WI VIVOBAREFOOT Logo

Looking for shoes in Altoona WI? We have searched through many companies to find a great wide toe box shoe brand providing many options and exceptional value. Our journey led us to VIVOBAREFOOT.

VIVOBAREFOOT is Central Health's trusted wide toe box shoe partner, and they have generously provided us with an exclusive promo code: use code CENTRALHEALTH for 10% off any purchase. In addition, check out our Facebook or Instagram for seasonal promotions.


The human foot is a biomechanical masterpiece; when left to its own devices it can thrive doing everything from walking and running to jumping and dancing, but cramming it in a modern shoe - cushioned, narrow, and rigid - negates its natural strength and function. Our feet are our foundation connecting us to the earth, they should not be compromised.

All VIVOBAREFOOT footwear is designed to be Wide, Thin, and Flexible: as close to barefoot as possible. They promote your foot's natural strength and movement. Allowing you to feel the ground beneath your feet.

There is a powerful sensory connection between the feet and the brain and thus, our movement and place in the world. A VIVOBAREFOOT shoe reconnects you to the world around you, literally bringing you closer to nature.


  • The closer people are to nature, the more they will protect it.
  • The natural world is the only real model of sustainability.
  • Barefoot footwear is regenerative to human health.

Interested in going barefoot? Use this Foot Assessment Tool - CLICK HERE


Use code CENTRALHEALTH for 10% off any purchase.


10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 1:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

7:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Central Health

1451 Bluestem Blvd Suite C
Altoona, WI 54720

(715) 304-3683